Best Stop Smoking Apps For 2021
Jun 11, 2021

Smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable disease and death in the United Kingdom, and because of the addictive nature of nicotine, it can be hard to to kick the habit.
Over 100,000 smokers and secondhand smokers die in the UK each year from cigarette related illnesses. Worldwide, more than 8 million people lose their lives to tobacco annually.
We understand that it's hard to leave cigarettes behind, but thanks to e-cigarettes many people are finding it much easier to give up smoking for good. Along with vaping, your smartphone could play a crucial part in your smoke-free journey. There are now a plethora of apps, each with different tools and quitting methods, designed to help you ditch cigarettes for good.
We've picked out our favourite apps below and detailed what makes them so effective in the fight for a cigarette-free UK.
In addition, QuitNow! offers an in-depth FAQ, a bot to answer some of the more tricky questions, and book recommendations that can help you kick the habit.

Iphone Rating: 4.8* | Android Rating: 4.7*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
The Smoke Free app uses over 40 proven smoking cessation techniques to help you ditch cigarettes for good.
With some cracking features including professional stop smoking coaches, achievement badges, a quit smoking log and much more, you can triple your chances of quitting using Smoke Free.

Android Rating: 4.7*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
Quit Tracker combines superb tracking mechanisms and lifestyle tips to provide the perfect motivational tool for those that want to break the smoking habit.
Quit Tracker shows you the health and financial benefits each day to resist smoking. Use the app to track how close to giving up smoking completely, how much money you’re saving, and how much life you’ve regained.
You can also take a look at a handy timeline that shows you how quickly you'll start enjoying the health benefits of being smoke-free.
iPhone Rating 4.8* | Android Rating: 4.7*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
With EasyQuit, you can watch all aspects of your health improve, from your blood circulation and oxygen levels to your senses of taste and smell.
The app includes a range of fantastic features, including Slow Mode which helps you quit smoking at your own pace, and trigger tracker that helps you identify what drives your cravings.
With a modern and user-friendly design, EasyQuit is the perfect app for smokers looking for a smoke-free future.
iPhone Rating 4.6* | Android Rating: 4.7*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
Created for those who want to stop smoking, the Smokefree app is a 4 week programme that puts practical support, encouragement and tailored advice in the palm of your hand.
A range of fantastic features include: Daily support messages to help to motivate you, badges to reward your progress, a savings calculator so you can see how much money you're saving, and the ability to record your motivations for quitting.
The NHS is one of the UK's leading driving forces in smoking cessation, so you know you're in good hands when you use their app.
Android Rating: 4.6*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
QuitSure adopts a scientific approach to quitting smoking easily and permanently. This app features a 10-hour program spread over 6 days to help you slowly quit smoking without any cravings or side effects.
With step by step instructions, daily content and access to simple mental exercises to reduce your nicotine cravings, QuitSure teaches you all the methods you need to quit smoking at your own pace.
iPhone Rating 4.6* | Android Rating: 4.6*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
Kwit uses a range of innovative game techniques and thinking exercises to encourage you to stop smoking.
Unlock achievements, depending on the last time you’ve smoked, and move up the rankings to become the ultimate Kwitter.
You can also share your achievements on social media and encourage your friends to get involved too.

iPhone Rating 4.5* | Android Rating: 4.3*
Price: Free (in-app purchases)
This app uses behavioural modification tools based on the science behind Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to to help you regain control of your nicotine cravings.
Rather than forcing you to quit at a pace that doesn't work for you, the app allows you to set your own goals, and kick the habit at your own speed.
The app then rewards you by telling you how much money you’ve saved, how many years of your life you’ve regained, and features a range tools that can help you reach your goal of a smoke-free future.
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